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We are constantly researching and developing new ways of keeping our customers on the forefront of the industry using innovative cutting edge technology. By using accufRATE’s you are provided with the ability to convert to a current rate base system taking advantage of current lane biases. This will allow you, our customer, to truly level the playing field and allow for more transparent carrier-shipper negotiations and improve your productivity and profitability.



accufRATE gives you the power to accurately rate your freight directly against your tariffs in real time with the carriers. Our software provides you with a completely maintenance free solution unlike other system. You will always get a real time quotes with the carriers quote number and a current transit time. Unlike other systems that require weekly maintenance for things like FSC, our system is updated in real time when the carriers update theirs ensuring instant accuracy. Also, if any changes occur to your tariff you will never have to modify our system. As the carriers update rates and transit times on their platform our system will instantly reflect the changes when a quote is run.


accuDISPATCH eliminates the countless hours spent on the phone or online dispatching loads with LTL carriers. Our "one-click-dispatch" technology allows you to go directly from the BOL to dispatch with the carrier of your choice. Once dispatched the load will instantly be in the carriers database and flagged for pickup. Our system also returns a carrier pickup number for the tendered load instantly giving you a way to track the pickup and verify that the load is on the carriers radar for pickup.


accuTRACK finalizes the freight movement process like no other system available today. We know that many hours a week are spent pulling scanned documents from carrier websites. PODs, BOLs and W&R certificates are needed for all tendered loads to verify and accurately bill customers and ensure that carriers are paid correctly. The need for these documents is always a requirement during the whole claims process too. Our revolutionary technology eliminates the need for you to perform this function ever again. Once PRO numbers are entered for a load our system begins tracking loads automatically always providing you detailed information about the load as the carrier updates their website. Also, as images are available, our system pulls the scanned images and attaches them to the load created in our system.


accuAUDIT is our answer to ensuring that you pay the carrier what you were expecting to pay! Carriers are constantly sending out incorrect bill and leaving you in the position to get the bills fixed. This process is timely and very costly in most cases and many times you are on the losing end of this process. In many cases 3PLs and shippers don't even have the manpower or the volume is too high to even check what is being billed and thus payments are made automatically. Combined with our accufRATE quoting system which provides you with a carriers quote number you are now armed to the teeth to successfully defend your position with the carrier. Our system can ingest your LTL or parcel bills and in a very short time determine if what you were billed was in fact correct. We will provide you a report that shows all the exceptions that have occurred and you will then have the option of addressing the issues with the carriers. Combine all this with the accuTRACK functions and you will have all the information you will need to expose billing inconsistencies in one convenient place.


accuANALYSIS will forever change the way you look at freight. One of the most time consuming and complex tasks you can have is to accurately analyze and price a prospective customer. In many cases a complete analysis is not performed because of the amount of time required. Our analysis engine has the ability for you to enter one or more origin points, destination points, weight breaks and classes for the analysis. Our engine then takes over and begins running an analysis against all the carries you have requested and provides results in hours instead of days. Once complete you will be provided with a spreadsheet that shows each combination run against all the carriers selected and completely broken out so you see the freight costs, FSC and accessorials separately. Now you have the raw data needed to accurately and efficiently quote new and old business.
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