About accufRATE

Who We Are

accufRATE is a transportation software solutions company dedicated to simplifying the freight transportation management process. Our team of professionals come from backgrounds of transportation and logistics, software development, and entrepreneurs, who understand business and freight and strive to perfect the LTL freight process.

What We Do

“accufRATE Perfecting Freight” means, Look to us for solutions which will dramatically improve the way you rate, dispatch, track, audit and analyze freight. Our revolutionary software will provide you with an invaluable tool which will forever change the way you manage LTL freight. accufRATE, will positively improve your business productivity and bottom line.


We are a freight transportation solutions provider. From firsthand experience in our involvement in freight transportation and knowing the inefficiencies that exist in freight rating methods and freight management today, we’ve developed the answers and solutions to the most commonly asked questions and problem in the LTL freight industry…

  • Can I get real time accurate rates with carrier direct quote numbers?
  • Can I win my battles with freight companies when disputing inaccurate freight bills?
  • Can I save time and man hours in retrieving and processing signed POD’s from carriers?
  • Can I track my freight automatically and accuarately?
  • Can I save time and man hours when analyzing multiple freight scenarios?

The answer is…Yes You Can!

With accufRATE.

We have achieved the ability to retrieve rates directly from all your carriers simultaneously, so you can receive rates that are accurate and guaranteed with a carriers direct quote numbers at exceptional speeds. Now shippers, manufacturers, 3PL’s and 4PL’s everywhere, finally have the only, accurate freight rating engine in the industry at their fingertips. “accufRATE” is transforming the face of the industry by eliminating all the guess work and the vulnerabilities from the process of rating, dispatching, tracking, billing, auditing and analyzing freight. We can simultaneously send out a request directly to all of your carriers and within 5-10 seconds produce an accurate, comprehensive, list of every carriers guaranteed rate with carrier direct quote numbers. Fuel surcharges, accessorial or any other carrier change is automatically figured into your every quote. Then, from your quote screen click on the rate of your choice, create a bill of lading and dispatch your pickup automatically. It’s that simple!

Our History

For many years companies manufacturers, distributers, 3PL's and 4PL's have struggled with a fundamental inefficiency in the organization. The ability to quickly and accurately obtain freight quotes from multiple carriers simultaneously.

After struggling with this problem for many years, an industry veteran decided that it was time to find a solution that would allow him and his staff to effectively manage this process. His company had the need to process freight quotes for up to 700 outbound LTL shipments per day. He also had a team of people processing quotes for this 3rd Party business which topped another 200 shipments a day.

The solution to all this was to work with a team of engineers and over a 2 year period developed the product now known as accufRATE. The technology created by his vision and team of developers now allows him to process hundreds of quotes per minute direct from the carriers. Billing errors are quickly and easily averted as the system always provides a carrier quote number for reference purposes which has never been available from any other system. Seamless integrated to his WMS system allows for all freight quotes to be processed automatically. His third party business now requires little attention from internal staff as a web interface is provided to all customer in order for them to quote, generate a BOL, automatically dispatch and track their order. In essence the online system has become a TMS system in and of itself.

These advancements have allowed this company to repurpose their staff to be revenue generating instead of being a cost center. The billing efficiencies have provided cost savings in the hundreds of thousands of dollar per year. The 3rd Party business has been able to grow to 4 times what it was and is scalable to any level now without the need to hire additional support staff.

accufRATE was launched to the public in July of 2010 and is quickly becoming the standard for managing the freight process. The simplicity of its interface allows for any size company to take advantage of it in a very short time. The power of the product provides immediate revenue recognition to the bottom line!

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide our customers with an easy and affordable solution in managing their day to day operation by providing them with a fast and accurate method of perfecting the way they rate, dispatch, track, audit, and analyze freight.

Vision Statement

To transform the way the industry rates freight and prefect the process of freight.

Customer Feedback

At accufRATE we are motivated everyday by how receptive our customers are to our our rating engine, and we are inspired by how our customers use it, confident that they are getting the best rate quotes every time in seconds guaranteed with a carrier quote number. So we are committed to continue developing innovative solutions for the freight industry.

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